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Enrollment Form
Iglesia de Scientology de España

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How to Improve Relationships with Others Course

With Scientology principles that give you the ingredients of sincere relationships, you can easily build and maintain them. The breakthroughs in human relations you will learn on this course bring mutual agreement and happy, cooperative living.

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Iglesia de Scientology de España
C/ Santa Catalina, 7
Madrid 28014
912 092 170
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Take a tour

It is with great pride we serve this capital city from our home in the legendary Quarter of the Letters—the very streets from which such cultural luminaries as Miguel de Cervantes, Diego Velázquez and Lope de Vega inspired the world. It was also in the neighboring Ateneo that Spain’s greatest thinkers, writers and artists gathered in the indomitable spirit of free thought and the search for knowledge and freedom. Our Church stands in full representation of those ideals, as a place where one can find the knowledge and spiritual freedom offered in Scientology.

Our doors are open. Our help is yours.

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